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Why Market
Research Insights?
Market Insights uses a wide range of quantitative and qualitative research methods to gather data from various target audiences.
We understand that business have different personalities, characteristics, and needs and we provide tailor-made research solutions in order to help address the objectives at hand. Whether you are a new business needing information to kick-start your business or a longstanding player in the market who wishes to consolidate its position and grow, Market Insights can help. Our aim is to provide you with relevant and timely data that can help you to make better-informed decisions.
Know your customers
Assess your performance
Research your market
Take action
How We Do It
Through Market Research Insights we thrive to satisfy business curiosities by using the most adequate methodologies depending on the specific requirement of the research project at hand. The following are the tools that we use for business solutions.
Online Surveys
Online surveys can be a cost-effective solution to the traditional research methods where a statistically significant pool of respondents answer questionnaires online.
Desk Research
A method of gathering existing sources and documentation which help you make informed decisions about how to market your products and services.
Telephone Surveys
Ideal for both consumer research and business-to-business research purposes, CATI is an efficient, quick and completely transparent way of garnering insight from consumers.
Focus groups/In-depth Interviews
Qualitative research is used to analyse topics more profoundly by identifying the reason behind customers’ behaviours and beliefs through the use of discussions.
Intercept/Face-to-face Surveys
Face-to-face and intercept interviewing allows interviewers to interview respondents outside and in their own households or business settings.
Mystery Shopping
Mystery shopping is a measure of quality control. It is an exercise used to evaluate staff’s work performance and customer service in a critical and unbiased way.

Board the Omnibus
Do you only have a couple of questions to ask the public? The Esprimi Insight Omnibus is a cost-effective method of research where a number of clients pool their own set of questions to make up one research study. We use a mixed methodology comprising of online and telephone interviews to extract the data we need.
Our Own Community
The Esprimi Community is a vibrant community of opinionated people ready to share their views on issues, trends, brands, products and services. This online panel is made up of thousands of customers from all age-groups with varied interests, diverse lifestyles, and different opinions. They are people from all walks of life in one space, ready and willing to speak their mind. Together, these people make up a sample which is representative of the general population in Malta.

From Our Clients
Don't just hear it from us.
Here's what our clients are saying.
"It’s always a pleasure doing business with Esprimi. What I particularly appreciate is the positive approach of the team. Unusual requests, tight deadlines and new methodologies are met with let’s see how we can do this. The objective of research is of course to learn, and I feel that in this fundamental aspect the Esprimi team shares my curiousity and desire to uncover hidden insights, not just for the sake of learning, but for real business impact."
“Esprimi have offered outstanding service to our organisation. They've transcended the Maltese borders, as we use their system in China and mostly in the Chinese language. The reports provided by Esprimi on the evaluation surveys filled in by the participants of our events have provided us with direct, professional and systematic feedback that has in turn enhanced our monitoring and evaluation of our activities.”
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Contact Us
The Brewhouse,
Level 0, Mdina Road, Zone 2,
Central Business District
CBD 2010
Malta, Europe
+356 22470730
About Us
Esprimi is an innovative market research company in Malta specialising in market, employee and media research solutions.
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