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Online Surveys
Esprimi specialises in Computer Assisted Web Interviewing (CAWI), better known as online research. Through this interviewing method, a statistically significant pool of respondents answer questionnaires online, in their own time and get rewarded for doing so. This methodology can be a cost-effective solution to traditional research methods. It is useful for short questionnaires, more complex question structure and instances when visuals are to be presented to respondents, such as testing of company marketing material. This research method is particularly convenient for businesses that would like to reach their own customers or employees, by tapping into their own email database. CAWI can also be used for general population surveys or business-to-business research. Online surveys are commonly used for Marketing Performance Measurement, Market Share Analysis & Brand Tracking, Customer Satisfaction & Loyalty and Brand Awareness & Brand Sentiment research.

Interviewers conducting traditional telephone surveys follow a structured questionnaire to put your questions to a set of respondents. Answers are inputted directly on our computer software, which collates the data efficiently and is able to customise question flow depending on the answers provided by respondents. This type of surveying is professionally referred to as Computer Assisted Telephone Interviewing (CATI). Ideal for both consumer research and business-to-business research purposes, CATI is efficient, quick and completely transparent. Questioning is determined by CATI software and is not subject to interference or manipulation, guaranteeing real responsiveness.
Telephone surveys are commonly used for Brand Strategy, Marketing Performance Management, Brand Awareness & Brand Sentiment and Customer Satisfaction & Loyalty research.
Face-to-face Surveys
Face-to-face interviewing allows interviewers to meet respondents and interview them in their own households or business settings. Trained interviewers use a tablet to answer questions, allowing for rapid information gathering and speeds up the process of data processing. With the Computer Assisted Personal Interviewing (CAPI) software data is collated in real time and produces immediate results. CAPI is particularly useful for more complex consumer surveys that require added focus or visuals to be shown to respondents, such as testing of company marketing material. CAPI is also used for business-to-business research, to accommodate the busy schedule of these individuals.
Face-to-face surveys are commonly used for Marketing Performance Measurement, Market Share Analysis & Brand Tracking and Brand Awareness & Brand Sentiment research.

Focus Groups
One of the most powerful qualitative research methods to gather meaningful information for marketing purposes. Focus groups are a popular way to garner customers’ more in-depth feedback, views on new products and services, perceptions, opinions and attitudes. Trained moderators sit with small groups of people to ask questions designed to elicit discussion and reactions, provoke thought or stir emotion. This setting allows for a better observation of respondents’ behaviour. Qualitative research methods are used to analyse topics more profoundly by identifying the reason behind customers’ behaviours and beliefs. Focus groups are also used to test specific marketing campaigns, such as adverts or logo design. They are commonly used for Brand Strategy, New Product Market Analysis, Customer Satisfaction & Loyalty and Brand Awareness & Brand Sentiment research.
Desk Research
Desk-based research is a method of scouring and gathering existing sources and documentation to gather information about a particular topic or point of interest to your company. This usually includes both offline and online sources such as newspapers, publications, journals and published statistics. This information is then analysed and compiled into one report, which will assist you to make informed decisions about how to market your products and services. Desk research is often coupled with a customer or business-to-business research project, and it is used to set the stage for the development of marketing strategies and brand promotion and growth plans.
It is commonly used prior to New Product Market Analysis and Marketing Performance Management.

Mystery shopping is a measure of control to improve the quality of service provided by your company. It is an exercise used to evaluate staff’s work performance and customer service in a critical and unbiased way. A predetermined list of criteria is identified by which to evaluate the staff’s efforts at dealing with customers. Mystery shoppers are then employed to the task which requires them to act as a usual customer and assess the staff’s behaviour, attitudes and skill during the transaction. Mystery shopping is often used as a means to identify skills gaps and training needs, and is followed by a specifically designed course which targets your staff’s key areas of weakness when providing a service. Mystery shopping is commonly used for Customer Satisfaction & Loyalty and Employee Satisfaction research.
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The Brewhouse,
Level 0, Mdina Road, Zone 2,
Central Business District
CBD 2010
Malta, Europe
+356 22470730
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Esprimi is an innovative market research company in Malta specialising in market, employee and media research solutions.
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